Tuesday, December 27, 2011

My Dearest Annabelle...

I have been in the south way too long. Don't believe me? Here's some reasons.

-I'm realizing the differences in camouflage.

-I answer all women, stranger or not with a quick "yes, ma'am" (pronounced 'mae-yûm')

-I have acquired new phrases (i.e. "fittin-to", "say-what-now", "do-what-now", "whatcha-lookin?" Etc.)

-Trucks are appealing to me now.

That last one is the one I'm most surprised at. I've always been an old school 4 door, muscle car or SUV type guy. To me a truck bed was wasted space. Now, it's practicality and uses prove invaluable for the region in which I live. If I get a truck, I won't need to get a trailer for my motorcycle. I could climb it straight into the truck bed. Can't do that in a Tahoe.

If I get to harvest an animal, I can throw it straight into the back without worrying about getting blood everywhere, like say in the carpets of an Escalade. I also wouldn't have to sacrifice seating space for storage while traveling with luggage. Throw it in the truck bed and now theres enough room to ride comfortably.

Probably the biggest difference in living around here is, a year ago, I could hardly understand the accent. Now, Its still a struggle, sometimes, but I'm learning a day at a time.

Although I am slightly out of my element in my current location, learning about those around you will pull the barriers and reservations down.

Don't be afraid of the unknown. Branch out. It might be fun. :)

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