Thursday, December 22, 2011

Kill the Dragon...

Why is it so hard to move up and better yourself?
Why is it that when you decide to do something that makes you better, other people are always right there to cut you down. Hardly anybody around to encourage and uplift you; to come along side and grab your shoulder to say, Im here if you need ANYTHING! and actually mean it. Everybody is very quick to tell you why you can't, instead of being the "friend" that they call themselves and being everything that the job title entails? So many times we look on the person we are, and compare him/her to the person we envisioned we would be at this point in our lives when we used to dream... We continue to disappoint ourselves because we convince our psyche that we will always disappoint. I say we break the mold, and kill the Dragon named Disappointment, in our lives and forget what the world says we should be. We should just be who we are, and the best one we can be, at that. A foot print is there to show where it is we came from, not to lead us back to it. When you feel discouraged, look behind, see how far you have come and realize why you left in the first place. Our lives are our own. The decisions we make depict who we have become and where we wish to be. Live, because we only get one shot on earth. Don't regret, because life rarely gives a second chance. Remember, because if we forget, the journey wasn't worth it.
Here's one of my older pieces. Hope you enjoy it. Do not maintain. Excel.


When did it become normal for a brother to kill another?
When did we begin to accept givin our hearts to one and our bodies to another?
When did it become acceptable, no, delectable to be unfaithful and appear shameless-
Then, when the sweet turned to ash, and we're left all alone, we look for whose blame this is...
When did our sisters become shields, and our ladies become targets?
When did life lose its value, to something as trivial as respect?
When did our young bodies become strapless trauma plates
Meant to catch society's spent bullets of distrust and hate?
When did a compliment become an ulterior motive?
And when did love become a four letter word for sex and was impulse and explosive?
When did the results of that "love" start bein "problems" and "dependants"?
And a welfare check rather than what they are.... our children.
I'll tell you when this all started- When these plagues were birthed into vile existence.
It was all when we chose to "Maintain", and decided to fit the stereotype and not be resistant.


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