Saturday, December 17, 2011

Recovering Addict of 5 Hour Energy (conclusion)

Sacred Heart Clinic...

I walk in still shaking and so paranoid that I actually did jump at seeing my shadow a couple times. Walked to the counter, filled out the 80 pages of paperwork, yadah yadah yadah. Tests, Waiting room, tests, blah, blah, blah. Finally get to see the practitioner, she asks whats going on, and I tell her the whole kit-n-kaboodle from Nuke plant shift to the chest pains, and bloody mess the night before was. Of course, i get a stern reprimanding, concluded with, "...why would you do something so stupid?!" To which I replied, "I missed my family." Her eyes went a little misty as she reached for my test results. She suddenly got serious, "what all did you say you took?" I rattled off approximations of pills and energy drinks and coffee. Her eyes got wider "...And all this., on an empty stomach?" Until she said that, I had forgotten that I hadn't eaten that entire day of travel. "Yes ma'am,

I guess it was."

She was shaking her head now, "Your stomach lining is almost completely destroyed, and you overworked your heart. If you had taken just 4 more pills, it's a very real possibility that your heart would've either stopped, or exploded."

My jaw dropped. I was 21, and this lady just told me that I almost died. I lost track of time and quite honestly, everything else she was saying, until she said " should call work and tell them that you need a few days to detox, because I'm not going to give you a note if you go back tomorrow." I promise that I will and leave with my note.

Back at my car, I'm looking for a place to stash my note so I won't lose it. My visor was no good and I would've lost it in the middle console. I decide to put it in the glove compartment inside my car manual for safe keeping. The glove compartment drops open, and the missing pack of No-Doze from that last box falls out. I turn it over, and there's two pills missing... Leaving only 4 in the pack. I don't know how they ended out of the box and up in the glove, but I'm still thankful.

All that to say... A good tool used the wrong way, can be very detrimental.

And be careful with 5 hour energy, "all natural" doesn't always mean safe. (Or you can just follow regular dosing instructions) ;-)

Things get better. Thanks for reading.


Psalm 40:1-5

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