Friday, December 16, 2011

Recovering Addict of 5 Hour Energy

Those little bottles make colors smell like the fruit that they paint, they make any image 4 dimensional, and they make you crash worse than a fistful of pixie sticks.

The last time I was this high and then low, was the time in 2006. It was Mothers day weekend, and I hadn't been near any family in months, so I decided that after my 12hr shift of security work at the Nuke Plant, I was going to drive 14 hours to Pensacola and see my Brother and his family for my extended weekend.

So, I did what any 21 year old would do, I stopped at the first starbucks and ordered a Venti Mocha with 10, yes,10 shots if espresso. I was suped, I was ready, I was.... on fumes in the next 4 hours, I wasnt even in Georgia Yet and I was swerving so wide that if I were in a cornfield, crop circles would have resulted. So, I stopped at the very next truck stop I saw. They're truck drivers, they do this all the time, so they MUST know what they're doing. I told a trucker my situation and he recommended an illegal substance, which he just happened to have for sale. o_0...

I declined and asked a trucker sitting in the light if he could recommend something for my situation. He said "No-Doze", I thanked him, asked the clerk for 5 boxes (each containing 6 pills), paid for my large coffee, gatorade, quickly downed 6 pills and got back on the road. I was feeling gooooood. I wasnt buzzing, and I wasn't sleepy. Somewhere along the way, I figured, or rather, I concocted in my mind that if I kept a steady stream of no-doze in my blood stream, I would be ok.... 9 hours later, I'm in my last hour and I'm in Flowmaton, Alabama, and fighting sleep so violently, that I can feel the car jerk on the road, when I kick myself awake. For the last hour, I have been chewing on the pills to get the powder into my blood quicker. I figure "a chewed pill is less to dissolve". So there I am, PEZ-ing it up, when I hit I-29, and I had never nor have I ever since that "trip" (pun intended) seen so many lights. The streetlights were dancing and elongating, looking like giant glow sticks waving at me, that I thought I had to avoid. The billboard guy giving me the "Uncle Sam-we want you" finger was in my car with me. I was spazzing what I thought was the worst... And then it happened... Blue lights and sirens behind me. They flooded my car with every window and mirror reflecting EVERYTHING. I could smell everything, as I rolled my window down to cut the glare, diesel, palms, sand, other...things. I was sure that my swerving had caught the attention of an over zealous rookie looking to fill his monthly quota of tickets and citations. My nerves steadied somewhat when the State Trooper zoomed around me... But then I realized, I still wasn't at my destination yet, and a whole new anxiety set in...

(to be continued)

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