Thursday, December 22, 2011

Life is but a....Hunt?

Sitting in a Deer Stand, on this gloomy morning got my thought process working in a certain direction.

I am at the South west corner of the field. There is about 2,000+ yards of field to my right, and approximately 200-400 yds collectively directly in front of me and then to my left. The woods tree line is just after those measurements. There is wildlife all around me, I can hear it all, but I cannot see any of it. Having a tacticians mind, I immediately drift to thinking up every possible worst case scenario from my current position. After my mind has an executable plan for every predator that could come out of these woods from a rabid squirrel to a Russian Zombie army with assault rifles and the mental capacity to use them, I sit and figure my plan for if a prize buck with non typical points and more meat than I could have hoped for just happens to step out of the tree lines shadow... Then, I'm stuck, tactically. What do I do if he steps out just out of my rifles range? Do I let him walk? Or do I risk the kentucky windage and take the shot? Possibly missing, or worse, just maiming the animal, awarding it a painful, agonizing death for surviving all these years. Thinking about this, I realized that life is alot like this. Your dreams, goals, focus, everything is in your sight. Whether you have a plan, or the capacity and means to execute that plan depends solely on whether or not you are going to take the shot or at least mentally prepared to take aim.

You have been given everything you could ever need to be successful. You were meant to succeed, But don't measure your success by others standards. Do the best you can, with all youve been given, so at the end if it all, You really did enjoy it.

Keep dreaming, but take aim and bring the dream into reality. If you can dream it, you can do it. Youre worth it.


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