Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Mind of a Nice Guy

A nice guy will always finish last, but at the end of the "race", Nice guys will be surrounded by those that love him. Those that didn't give up on him. The point isn't that he finished last. It's that he didn't give up.

All throughout our lives, we will encounter three types of people:

1. There are those that do us absolutely no good at all

2. There are those who don't mean to hurt us, but always end up doing so.

3. There are those that genuinely want us to succeed.

The ones that do us absolutely no good, aren't hard to find or to point out. They make your life difficult for no reason. They may know why they don't like you, but it's not a good reason.

In reality, these types of people have inconsistencies in their lives and because of them, they choose to discharge their dislike for inadequecies in your direction.  I call these people broken mirrors. They don't see themselves as broken, they just try to "shatter" your own view of yourself. Forget the haters, broken mirrors cut everyone around them. It's their nature. I promise, it gets better.

Those that don't mean to hurt us, are usually the ones we trust the most. Family, lovers, friends. They have no intention to hurt us, but when they do, they rarely know they did. In their eyes, they are helping us or trying to be there for us. No matter how abrasive they can be, remember, they think they care by default because they love us. These are the Full Length mirrors. They see all of you, and right past you at the same time. They don't focus on one thing. They see the whole picture, including the clutter around you. They care, but they haven't taken the time to develop the relationship to the stage where they know how to approach you. They're setting is still "Love by Default". Give them time. Things will get better.

The Last person is all about everything you do. Full speed. They don't have to love you, but they do. Unconditionally. These people are the personal, hand mirrors. They see you for you, a little bit at a time. Nothing else matters, they stay focused on you, regardless of what else is going on. They're the ones that ask "Whats really going on?" and "How are you doing, really?" They took time to learn who you are. They're the ones constantly telling you that "Things will get better." And believe it.

In closing:

Haters exist everywhere, you can't get away from family, and look around at your real friends. Things really aren't that bad. They're tough, but if life was easy, it wouldn't be worth living.

Remember, Mirrors are reflections of you. Look your best, and make sure that you always see who you want to be, not who you used to be.

Things get better. I promise.

Psalm 40:1-5


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