Tuesday, March 13, 2012

I bet...

So often we let our past get in the way of our present, therefore obstructing our future. We allow the bad things that happened to us whether in family settings,relationships, or just in general experiences affect how we react in anything similar that follows. It maybe the best survival tool we have as humans...but whats the use of surviving, if we choose not to live because we are so caught up in our defense mechanisms? If we're always defending, then how are we supposed to ever feel again. Everybody has a past. Everybody has a story. Will you let it get in the way of you living your life? If life isn't there to be enjoyed, then whats it there for? Surviving is preservation of life. Living...well, finding that definition is just a part of life... Its as individual as the person and I don't think there is any wrong answer...

I bet...


I bet that you think that youre keeping it together well/

you think that I don't notice that your clothes are singed,i know youve been thru hell/

I bet you think I don't understand or I have ulterior motives and this is all just part of the plan, stop./

I'm not here to steal your heart, or fix you up, I'm just here to hold your hand. I know I'm not all you've got/

You clutch your fists together, like its a last defense, knuckles white, forearms tense too/

Against your chest to protect what little pieces of your heart he left you with, two/

You feel betrayed, you feel used, you were in love, and sweetheart, falling in love is not a sin/

Keep your guard up, but hear me...These three words I do not say lightly, nor am I even sure I want to, but here it goes... "I'm not him"

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  1. This is a hard lesson for anybody to learn, especially for those of us who seem to be attracted to flame. I've heard those three words my fair share of times and yet, "him" keeps reinventing himself and popping up again. There's always something. Wall stays up...maybe one of these days my clothes will quit smelling like bonfire.

    Miss you on FB, K...I'm going through poetry withdrawal. :-)


  2. Very true. Thanks for the insight. So you noticed I wasn't on fb anymore lol.
    I've said those three words too many times and just caught the cannon fodder of those dangerous words. I'm never him, but I have to pay for those scars that he left.
    I'm trying to move things on. All part of the healing process. ;)

  3. I noticed right away...I need my fix! lol Pleeeeease come out of stealth mode... ;-)

    Why are we drawn to the hurting and broken? We try to fix them - to somehow assure them that with us, it will be different: I'm not him/her - but in the end we only get cut by the shards. It's a vicious cycle.
