Monday, February 27, 2012

I say nothing

I say Nothing...Vs3

I say nothing, because you should already know/

In words not spoken, my bodys language is more fluent so/

I let the distaste for the words that you use show/

On my face because I shouldn't have to say anything, you should already know/

When someone feels the need to express "no homo" at the end of a compliment/

Like Im really so stupid that I can't tell you were straight, or confuse what you meant/

When you said my shirt looked nice, the compliment was straight, but your words are bent/

Trying to cover your tracks like a drug addict with long sleeves/

I say NOTHING. You should already know./

Does the fact that you do not live that lifestyle give you the right to slur?/

Is it because being gay is neither race nor creed, that you get caught up in the blur?/

Why does it not get uncomfortable in the room when someone describes something they dislike as "thats gay", why doesn't it hurt?/

Homosexuals are people too. Yes I'm sure/

I shouldn't have to tell you this, you should already know!/

What if everytime someone described something that they didn't like with your name, race, ideals or family?/

"that's so Kuresa, so Samoan, so Christian," or "so Tupua", and yes it would get to me/

Feel free to substitute your own life into these situations, and say it with the same distaste and hate that you say these words that offend me/

Hate and blame is universal and it is the poison residue passed down that was left on the lips of eve/

I want to scream this in your face, but you should already know/

So a celebrity says "faggot", that makes it ok right?/

It makes it ok because celebrities got their lives together right?/

Everybody repeats it because everybody does it, right?/

Why didn't it carry the same weight as a caucasian slurring on an ethnic type? It got quiet real quick in here, right?/

I could go on for days teaching, but, all this, you should already know!/

I don't care what you think of the lifestyle, I don't want to hear it/

But in words you say, just mind peoples feelings./

People are people no matter who they Love or who loves them/

You think "this is gay" but you're the one needing to be set "straight"/

People. Homosexuals are people with real feelings and family and friends too./

I shouldn't even have to tell you this, because, THIS, you shouldve already knew/

One does not need to be, in order to fight for/

So check your words before choosing slurs./


I know many will not agree with me, but I really don't care. If the hate continues, then so will the pain.

I am not Gay, but I have many friends who are. And they are among the best people I know. They are the least judgmental and the most genuine friends that I count myself blessed to have them in my life. Love your life.

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