Monday, August 6, 2012

I know... Its been a while.

Have you ever grown tired of what it is that this mundane life is? Have you ever longed for more than just your typical day? You know what I'm talking about, the routine of dreading from the time you wake up and look at the unhappy person in the bathroom mirror, until the time you see the same person that night in the same mirror after an uneventful, unhappy day. This begins a change in my otherwise "routine" day. I will be logging my day, but more importantly, with this blog I begin the quest to do things that better enrich my life. I have made some decisions that I must follow thru on in the next few years.  To kill the mundane dragon that has yoked my neck since the day I became a "grown up" and became obsessed with paying bills and making money to pay them... This is my quest. I write poetry, I cook, I workout. I have also been working on a few fiction novels, graphic Novels, and I do some woodburning. Probably the sharpest of the swords in my arsenal is my ability to produce poetry. Poetry that causes thinking minds to ponder, free-lance minds to wander, but all minds to wonder. I have tried multiple times to publish my poetry, to no avail. I pull them from publishing at the last moment. I, for some reason, do not believe my poetry is good enough for the rest of the world to read. Although, countless friends and family members offer laud and praise for my "pieces", as I call them, I still do not believe it is worthy to be read in the sunlight. Darkness, in between the binding of my notebooks is where, I believe my poetry should stay.
I have come to realize that I will not be 28 forever, and stars will not shine forever.  Certain events that have recently taken place, that remind me what is important, and showed me what I needed to let go of.
Change never came about in anyone's life without the change in a person's mind. It was never easy, either.
At what point do we realize that the path we chase is not the route we should have taken? For, in life, none can map or plan, and those who do, seldom arrive at the destination that was predetermined, and those who do arrive at their mapped out destination, seldom arrive happy.
I refuse to remain on the destined path I chose for myself. I admit that at this point now, where I stand in my life, I look at the mural that I have painted of my life, and I am NOWHERE near my first intended goal, My dreams dare not even cast a shadow near my reality. My living standard, my profession, my goals and even the people I count dear to my heart have changed. My destiny is no longer predetermined by the circumstances of my life. I will take control of my heart's path, and guide it myself. The challenge: I will do things that enrich my life, and log those events that enrich my life. I refuse to get to the end of my days, just to look back on the days I am living now, muttering the two words that haunt my mind forever. "What if?"

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